Day 1 ★ Exclusive Bonus Page for Kindle Readers ★

7-Day Meditation Challenge Program - Season 1
Journaling & Mindfulness Workbook: "Bring Calmness and Healing into Your Daily Life in 7 Days"

Day 1: Meditation Focused on Breathing

Thank you for reading the Kindle book 7-Day Meditation Challenge. This page is exclusively designed for our readers, offering special bonuses to enhance your meditation experience.

Explore the links below to access meditation guides and additional resources prepared just for you!

Bonus Content Includes:

Worksheets Introduced in the Book (PDF Downloads)

Guided Meditation Audio (7-Day Program)

How to Access Your Bonus:

Download the Kindle Meditation Challenge Worksheets (common to all 7 days).

Use the links below to enjoy the exclusive content:
👇️[Day 1 Audio]
Day 1 is available to everyone. For Days 2 and onward, you’ll need the password provided in the Kindle book.

👉 Download the Kindle Meditation Challenge Worksheets (common to all 7 days).

★ Kindle Exclusive ★ Worksheets for Your Ebook

Thank you for reading this book! As a bonus, we’ve provided guided meditation audio and additional resources to support your practice.

Make the most of this special content to enjoy a relaxing and rejuvenating experience!

Instructions for Ebook Users:
Print out seven copies of this worksheet and use one for each day. Completing the worksheet after your meditation will further enhance its benefits. You’ll find the password for accessing locked content in the Kindle book.

幸せになるワークブック 3 good things book

このワークは、今日あったいいことを寝る前に思い出して書き出すことで、普段何気なく見過ごしてしまっている『いいこと-good things』にフォーカスする習慣をつくるものです。




1.幸せになる日記帳「いいこと3つ」- Three Good Things: 心がポジティブになるワーク
2.Three Good Things - 猫Design
3.Three Good Things - In the sea Design
4. Three Good Things -花の世界Design
5.Three Good Things - パンダDesign